Zinovia Surlari, Dana-Gabriela Budală, Cristina Iordache, Carina Balcoș, Mihaela Scurtu, Dragoș-Ioan Virvescu
Aim of the study The aim was to evaluate the clinical performance of fixed dental prosthesis delivered by undergraduates students. Materials and method The retrospective study was conducted on 52 patients, men and women, aged 25 – 70, attending the Fixed Prosthodontics Department between 2017-2019. Results The success rate for the maxillary bridges was 85% and for the mandibular bridges was 79%. Using the VAS, 34 (77%) patients rated their overall satisfaction with treatment and appearance of the bridges between 90% and 100%; however, 14 (23%) patients rated <90%. Conclusions The outcome of the performance of conventional bridges is encouraging as only 14% of the bridges failed.