Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education Volum 13 Issue 1, 2024 INDICATORS OF SUCCESS FOR TRADITIONAL COMPLETE DENTURE TREATMENT


Octavian-Ionut Tunaru, Cosmin Bida, Dragos Ioan Virvescu, Roxana Vasluianu, Dragos Nicolae Fratila, Monica Mihaela Scutariu, Zenovia Surlari, Elena Raluca Baciu, Dana Gabriela Budala

The goal of this literature review is to assess the state of knowledge on conventional complete denture therapy prognostic aspects. Research papers examining traditional complete denture outcomes and patient satisfaction. Research in this field is still lacking. Based on the best available data, success indications for denture restoration include technically correct denture construction, a well-formed mandibular ridge, and accurate jaw relations. Indicators of failure include patient neuroticism and an inadequately developed mandibular ridge. There is no evidence that other prognostic indicators are useful. A small percentage of patients will always have trouble fitting into a traditional full denture. The mandible is where this issue is most noticeable, as opposed to the maxilla. Additional investigation into this topic is necessary.

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