Cristina-Angela Ghiorghe, Emilia Dâmbu, Claudiu Topoliceanu, Gianina Iovan, Simona Stoleriu, Galina Pancu, Irina Nica, Antonia Moldovan, Nicoleta Tofan, Ionuţ Tărăboanţă, Sorin Andrian
The aim of the present study was to evaluate, based on a DHEQ questionnaire, the quality of life of a group of 25 students, 12 men and 13 women, from the Faculty of Dentistry, U.M.F. “Grigore T.Popa” Iasi (Romania) suffering from dentinal hypersensitivity. Materials and method. Patients were divided into 4 groups according to age: 20-25; 26-30; 31-35 and 36-40 years. The questionnaire included 15 questions, each with scores from 1 to 7 according to Likert scale. The data were analysed using Excel. Results. High scores values (5-7) on each question in the questionnaire (> 50% of the respondents) were obtained in 10 of the 15 questions, 84% of the people giving high scores to question no. 3; 80% to question 12; and 76% to questions 4,5,6,7,8. The lowest percentage (40%) of people who gave scores between 5-7 were for questions 9, 10, 13.15. Conclusions. As dental hypersensitivity is increasingly common in young people, we believe that the questionnaire method can be a means of quickly and completely assessing this condition. This method can help the dentist together with the clinical and paraclinical examination in making a correct diagnosis and developing an appropriate treatment plan. At the same time, with this quick method, the patient can become aware that the symptoms cannot be neglected and he must address to the dentist for diagnosis and treatment.