Mircea Catalin Ivanescu, Iordan Apostu Andra, Ispir Aniela, Iordan Ionut Georgian,  Craciun Ioan, Ursachi Horia,Norina Forna


Periimplantitis is an inflammation caused by the presence of bacteria on the surface of the implant. Therefore, in a manner similar to the treatment of periodontal diseases, the removal of the biofilm from the implant’s surfaces should lead to the regression of the disease’s progression. The best way to do this has not been implemented. This can be surprising, given the relative complexity of the implant’s surface compared to the natural root of the tooth. Other management strategies include surface decontamination, removal of the implant wire, known as implantoplasty, and, in severe cases, extraction of the implant. Favourable defects can be reconstructed using guided bone regeneration techniques.

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