Monica Andronache, Roxana Vasluianu, Ovidiu Stamatin, Norina Forna
Aim of the study:In this paper we want to highlight the biomechanical aspects governing the choice of removable treatment solutions in patients with partial extended edentation through skeleton and acrylic prostheses. Material and methods We studied a group of 340 who were examined and prosthetized for three years ( 1 April 2015 – 1 October 2018) in the Pristhetics Department of Dental Faculty Iasi. All patients included in this study were diagnosed with extended partial partialedentation, subtotal edentation, or total edentation of varied etiology and with various complications due to incorrect prosthesis or prosthesis Results taking into account the particularity of the clinical case, we chose the therapeutic variants that do not overload the outstanding elements from the intraoral level, making a complex oral rehabilitation adapted to each patient..ConclusionsThe stability of the mobile prostheses ensures the prophylaxis of the overlying tissues from the prosthetic field limiting the resorption of the edentuous crests, as well as the periodontal retractions.