Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education Volum 13 Issue 5, 2024 FRONTAL REGION- AESTHETIC DEMANDS IN IMPLANT-PROSTHETIC REHABILITATION


Cretu Ionut Cosmin, Agop-Forna Doriana, Humă Mădălina, Roznov Maria-Laura, Tibeica Andreea,Camilar Maria Camelia, Forna Norina


Aim of the study: This study aims to evaluate the maxillary frontal aesthetic demands in implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Gingival contour, volume and soft tissue health are essential factors in achieving an optimal aesthetic result. Achieving a successful aesthetic result for restoration on implants involves not only the surgical phase, but also the crucial prosthetic phase. Prosthetic considerations include both the design of the implant restoration and the management of the peri-implant soft tissues.

Materials and methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies published between 2000 and 2024 was conducted. Databases searched included PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. Studies were selected based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, and data were extracted and analyzed using standard meta-analytic techniques.

Conclusions: Conclusion is that gingival contour, volume and soft tissue health are essential factors in achieving an optimal aesthetic result. The provisional restoration be prepared at the time of placement of the immediate provisional implant, which should be free of any occlusal contact. The volumes of the peri-implant tissues must be taken care of and maintained together with the provisional restoration to be placed, which in turn must meet the aesthetic requirements that allow it to harmonize with the adjacent teeth.

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