Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education Volum 8 Issue 5, 2019 IMPLICATION OF NON-METALLIC BIOMATERIALS IN FIXED PROSTHESES THERAPY


Irina Gradinaru, Loredana Hurjui, Ion Hurjui, Magda-Ecaterina Antohe


The study analyses a series of selected data from the specialized literature, correlated with the authors’ experience in the behavior of ceramic type non-metallic materials on zirconium substrate, individualizing their main characteristics and implications in a successful prosthetic therapy. The ideal dental preparation for monolithic zirconia requires an occlusal space of 1 mm to 1.5 mm, a height of the axial walls of 3-4 mm and a marginal closure by means of a 0.5 mm chamfer. Clinical trials have shown a high rate of fractures for zirconium-plated ceramic restorations ranging from 6% to 15% over a 3-5 year period. These are high values ​​compared to the 4% fracture rate, shown by conventional metal-ceramic restorations over 10 years . Success can be defined as a restoration in which it maintains the qualities of the surface maintained intact, the anatomical shape and function, as well as the optimal aesthetics. Monolithic zirconia crowns created based on digital prints are ideal from the point of view of the cabinet’s efficiency and restorative success.

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