Chiriță Ancuța, Popovici Veronica, Tibeica Andreea, Cretu Cosmin, Curca Razvan, Tibeica Silviu Catalin, Agop-Forna Doriana, Norina Forna
Aim of the study is to determinate the advantages and disadvantages of protesis on implants.
Intoduction Implant overdentures, as a treatment alternative for complete edentulism, are well known for their many benefits, directly related to attachment systems, the connection elements between overdentures and
Material and methods Modern dentistry has changed tremendously with implant therapy. For the successful implant therapy, making a proper treatment plan considering both surgical and prosthetic part in mind is the key of success. Often practitioners tend to create a treatment plan overlooking the basic principles of prosthetic part.
Results This present review has discussed various prosthetic consideration of implant-supported prosthesis. A step-by-step detailed prosthetic option with their indications has been discussed to help all dental implant practitioners in making of an optimal treatment plan for each case.
Conclusions Implants have become the treatment of choice in many, if not most, situations when missing teeth require replacement. Studies of the interaction between implant-supported restorations and the surrounding oral environment appear, fortuitously, to support the conclusion that the human host response to oral implants is favorable.