Violina Budu, Daniela Argatu, Emanuela Butnaru, Adrian Grijincu, Denis Herșcu, Norina Consuela Forna

Aim of the study: Treatment planning for dental implants involves the assessment of patient-related risk factors before formulating a treatment plan. This review aimed to evaluate the relevant literature and provide evidence-based information on therapeutic success in implant dentistry.
Material and methods: A search of systematic reviews was conducted using a combination of terms and keywords. The primary endpoint of the study was implant failure and the requirements in choosing the ideal candidate.

Results: Patient choice, the development of a personalized treatment plan and the physician’s increased attention to patient risk factors increase the chances of therapeutic success. Local and general factors are important

Conclusions: There are many risk factors that the clinician needs to know and understand to counsel patients and that need to be taken into account in treatment planning and delivery. There is consistent evidence showing an increased failure rate in smokers, a history of radiotherapy, and local bone quality and quantity. There is weaker evidence showing a higher incidence of peri-implant disease in patients with a history of periodontal tooth loss. The lack of evidence definitively rules out guidelines for patients with autoimmune conditions where expert opinion recommends caution. Osteoporotic patients show acceptable survival rates; however, patients on oral bisphosphonates show a low incidence but high morbidity of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Emerging evidence suggests that there is a correlation between genetic traits and disruption of osseointegration.

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