Elena Gramada, Amalia Ionela Tofan, Victoria Asaftei, Razvan Ioan Babusca, Marta Chiriac, Tibeica Andreea, Tibeica Silviu Catalin, Crețu Cosmin, Curcă Florin Răzvan, Agop-Forna Doriana, Norina Forna
Aim of the study The purpose of this review was to evaluate the literature on esthetics and stability of attachments in hybrid dental prosthesis. Materials and methods It contains the main ideas and original contributions and conclusions of the authors’ research. Results Attachments have a number of desirable qualities that indicate their use in place of conventional clasp retained removable partial dentures.The primary indication is esthetics.
Conclusions Attachment-retained dentures provide long-term prosthetic stability and esthetics, which can bolster patient’s confidence and alleviate insecurity.