Călin Dorelia Lucia, Dragomir Raluca, Giuroiu Cristian Levente
Keeping the pulp’s vitality must be the dentist’s first priority. The purpose of this study is to compare two types of dental materials frequently used in the dental office for non exposed pulp healing (indirect capping): calcium hydroxide and MTA. We compared radiological and clinical findings of the dentine bridge formed after six months of indirect capping. Material and Method: 13 patients were treated in the Department of Caryology and Restorative Odontology of the Dental Faculty, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi for the conservative treatment of multiple decays. They had pulp dressing by indirect pulp capping technique.Results: MTA dressing (indirect pulp capping technique) is associated with 55% of the success meanwhile the use of calcium hydroxide is associated with 60% succes rate. Conclusions: Choosing indirect pulp capping techique was based on a careful pulp diagnosis, which was supported by the history of pain and clinical and radiographic findings. This study showed the efficacy of the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide for maintaining the pulp vitality, compying with a good technique and with good cooperation of the patient.