Irina Gradinaru, Raluca Jipu, Loredana Hurjui, Carina Balcoș, Mihaela Mitrea, Magda-Ecaterina Antohe
The evolution of electrolytes and auxiliary technologies made the galvanizing process reborn after a period of 50 years of setback. Galvanizing parameters are represented by the temperature of the bath, the movement of the electrolyte or the object to be galvanized, the current density and the pH of the bath. Through these factors the galvanization can be directed as needed. Galvanoforming technology in dental prosthetics has a number of features compared to other technologies in dentistry. The success of a galvanoformed prosthetic part is ensured only when all the factors that can negatively influence the process have been eliminated. Adaptation of galvanized gold cape is very accurate, the marginally hiatus of the cape and the abutment being 18 μ m , the required space for the cement film. In their dispute with similar entirely ceramic restorations, the mixed galvanic-ceramic crowns emerged victorious, at least compared to those made of feldspar ceramics. Galvanoformation , a technology as old as it is new conquered almost all fields of prosthodontics.