Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education Volum 11 Issue 4, 2022 EARLY DIAGNOSTIC ELEMENTS IN FACIAL BASAL CELL CARCINOMA


Anca Irina Grădinariu, Șerban Ovidiu Stelea, Emilia Bologa, Florin Petrica Sava, Carmen Stelea, Stefan Gherasimescu,Victor Vlad Costan


Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) arises and evolves through intricately mixed, intertwined actions between phenotypic, genetic and environmental factors. Despite being the preponderant type of neoplasia and its frequent location in the accessible and visible region of head and neck, it is commonly considered that a substantial number of BCC cases are diagnosed in the late stages, or even remain undiagnosed at all. Since a proper and timely discovery of all malignancies are key factors in the treatment and life prognostic of patients, a literature survey was made on BCCs to point out current and perspective elements of diagnosis that could be relevant in increasing the success rate of a clear, precise diagnostic. The cumulative use of non-invasive methods based on visual inspection, dermoscopy and other imagistic/computational tools is the first choice in early detection of BCC, while the biopsy followed by histopathological examination are recommended when reasonable uncertainties regarding the type and aggressivity of disease still remain unacknowledged after the initial follow-up.

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